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This function computes and returns predictive quality metrics for context based models such as VLMC and VLMC with covariates.


# S3 method for vlmc
metrics(model, ...)

# S3 method for metrics.vlmc
print(x, ...)



The context based model on which to compute predictive metrics.


Additional parameters for predictive metrics computation.


A metrics.vlmc object, results of a call to metrics.vlmc()


An object of class metrics.vlmc with the following components:

  • accuracy: the accuracy of the predictions

  • conf_mat: the confusion matrix of the predictions, with predicted values in rows and true values in columns

  • auc: the AUC of the predictive model

The object has a print method that recalls basic information about the model together with the values of the components above.


A context based model computes transition probabilities for its contexts. Using a maximum transition probability decision rule, this can be used to predict the new state that is the more likely to follow the current one, given the context (see predict.vlmc()). The quality of these predictions is evaluated using standard metrics including:

  • accuracy

  • the full confusion matrix

  • the area under the roc curve (AUC), considering the context based model as a (conditional) probability estimator. We use Hand and Till (2001) multiclass AUC in case of a state space with more than 2 states

Methods (by generic)

  • print(metrics.vlmc): Prints the predictive metrics of the VLMC model.

Extended contexts

As explained in details in loglikelihood.vlmc() documentation and in the dedicated vignette("likelihood", package = "mixvlmc"), the first initial values of a time series do not in general have a proper context for a VLMC with a non zero order. In order to predict something meaningful for those values, we rely on the notion of extended context defined in the documents mentioned above. This follows the same logic as using loglikelihood.vlmc() with the parameter initial="extended". All vlmc functions that need to manipulate initial values with no proper context use the same approach.


David J. Hand and Robert J. Till (2001). "A Simple Generalisation of the Area Under the ROC Curve for Multiple Class Classification Problems." Machine Learning 45(2), p. 171--186. DOI: doi:10.1023/A:1010920819831 .

See also


pc <- powerconsumption[powerconsumption$week == 5, ]
breaks <- c(
  median(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE),
  max(powerconsumption$active_power, na.rm = TRUE)
labels <- c(0, 1)
dts <- cut(pc$active_power, breaks = breaks, labels = labels)
model <- vlmc(dts)
#> VLMC context tree on 0, 1 
#>  cutoff: 1.921 (quantile: 0.05)
#>  Number of contexts: 69 
#>  Maximum context length: 63 
#>  Confusion matrix: 
#>     0   1   
#>   0 318 30  
#>   1 32  628 
#>  Accuracy: 0.9385 
#>  AUC: 0.9518